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PRF vs. PRP: Unveiling the Differences in Hair Restoration

Hair loss can be a common concern, and fortunately, advancements in medical technology offer innovative solutions like PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) and PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) hair restoration. While both utilize your blood’s natural healing potential, they have distinct characteristics.

A split-screen image showcasing a vial of PRF and a vial of PRP side-by-side.

Unveiling the Components:

  • PRF: Primarily composed of platelets, white blood cells, and fibrin (a scaffolding protein). This combination promotes tissue regeneration, wound healing, and stimulates hair follicle growth.
  • PRP: Mainly contains platelets and minimal white blood cells or fibrin. Platelets are rich in growth factors that signal the scalp to increase hair growth activity.
A microscopic image of both PRF and PRP, highlighting the differences in their cellular composition.

Exploring the Benefits:

Both PRF and PRP offer unique advantages for hair restoration:

  • PRF: Studies suggest it may offer longer-lasting results compared to PRP due to the presence of fibrin, which provides a longer-term scaffold for cell growth. Additionally, PRF might have reduced inflammation due to the exclusion of inflammatory factors present in some PRP preparations.
  • PRP: With its concentrated platelets, PRP has shown effectiveness in stimulating hair growth and improving hair density in various clinical trials.

Understanding Suitability:

Choosing between PRF and PRP depends on individual needs and preferences:

  • PRF: Often recommended for individuals seeking long-term results and potentially experiencing scalp sensitivity, as it might have reduced inflammatory properties.
  • PRP: Might be suitable for those looking for a well-established treatment with proven hair growth stimulation capabilities and a potentially shorter treatment duration.

Consult a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best hair restoration option for your unique circumstances.

A split-screen image showcasing potential candidates for each treatment, with one side highlighting someone seeking long-term results and the other side highlighting someone seeking hair growth stimulation.

Weighing the Considerations:

  • Side effects: Both treatments are generally well-tolerated with minimal risks. However, mild discomfort like temporary redness or tenderness at the injection site can occur.
  • Cost: The cost of both treatments can vary depending on location, provider experience, and the number of sessions required.


Both PRF and PRP offer promising solutions for hair restoration, each with unique characteristics and potential benefits. Understanding the differences in their components, benefits, and suitability can empower you to make informed decisions about your hair restoration journey.

Ready to explore the potential of hair restoration treatments?

Contact Ziva Wellness today! Our team of experienced professionals will assess your individual needs, discuss the available options, and guide you towards the most suitable approach to achieve your hair goals.